Where Are We?

We are now living in the 21st Century in the Year of our Lord, October 2023! Events in Ukraine against the invasion of Russia two years ago, and now with the powder-keg ready to explode in the Middle East as Israel begins its invasion of Hamas and Gaza for the brutal. demonic murder-massacre of over a thousand innocent Jewish men, woman and children, plus the kidnapping of over a hundred Jews, the world has been riveted as never before since the Holocaust!

Like it or not, we are living in the Church Age or the Age of Grace that began about the year 33 A.D., The year our Lord Jesus Christ. the Messiah was crucified, died and was buried for our sins and the sins the whole world! And this put in motion “faith,” that anyone who believes in Him shall be forgiven their sins and have eternal life with GOD forever and ever.

Now if we mark this time period carefully, we will find that 20 centuries have go into the dust of history, and now we are living in the 21st Century noting that 1,990 years have elapsed and that by the year 2033, ten years from now will be the full 2,000 since the beginning of the Church Age and its ending, most likely, with the death, burial, resurrection,and ascension of our Lord, and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, that the Church Age began.

Events happening today looks like the “end times” and surely the Second Coming of Jesus the Messiah to put an end of all this mess and confusion, and bring in world peace, and, of course, reign in Jerusalem for a thousand years as the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS on the throne of David, can only be around the corner! And with Israel defending herself as a sovereign nation with that right, nation snare lining up and taking sides as to whom will they support.

But, as the Holy Bible tells us, there is yet an “imminent” event that must be fulfilled before the “end times” events of judgment that is to come upon the whole world before Christ returns.

And that event is the greatest yet imagined in any other time in world history; an event so spectacular whereby no one could ever conceive such a thing! Yet one day soon, perhaps today? Christ will come out of Heaven to the air above the clouds and with a shout and the trumpet blast of God, He will raise all the believing dead who have believed in Him since the inception of the church to immortal, glorified bodies like His, and at the same time will change all living believers at this time to immortal, glorified bodies just like His, random together, in an instant, “in the twinkling of an eye” we shall all rise to the clouds and meet the Lord Jesus “in the air”above the clouds and be transported with Him to the Father in Heaven. And so shall we ever be with the Lord!

But the events happening now are stepping stones for what’s to come after the church is removed from the earth! What is now will be thousands and thousands times worse when the Great Tribulation period shall start!

Pray for the Jewish people. Pray for Israel..Pray for the church. Pray for the innocent caught in the war. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for each other and our families.

And thanks be to God in Christ Jesus and the way in which Hewill accomplish all He promised!

Bur the end is not yet.

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,


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